AMS' Champion Certified Overhaul
Aircraft Magneto Service overhauls Slick magnetos to master service manual specifications.
An overhaul consist of a complete tear down of the magneto, the housing and rotor are inspected, cleaned, and if specs are met, refurbished for service. The remaining components are all replaced with new parts. The parts list (depending on model) consist of new hardware, coil, capacitor, impulse coupling, bearing and bearing cap assembly, contact points, rotor gear, distributor gear, distributor block, and oil seal. At this level of service the magneto is virtually back to new factory condition and will extend it's life span for another engine TBO cycle (with the 500hr inspection intervals).
All AMS overhauls are conducted with OEM Champion Parts.
Impulse Magneto - $1395
Non-Impulse Magneto- $1195
Retard Breaker Magneto- $1250
New mags range in price from $1800-$2200
Overhauls save $600 or more per mag.
When do you need to overhaul?
Overhauls are generally conducted at engine TBO, or if a prop / lighting strike, or submersion has occurred.
It is recommended to overhaul after 12 years in service.
If a magneto is simply not working properly, generally the point of failure is a single part, which can and will get fixed with a proper 500 hour inspection. An overhaul is not necessary to fix an in-op mag.
Feel free to contact us for more information.